
PxPayPy is a Python library for DPS PaymentExpress PxPay 2.0 API. PxPayPy has been tested to work with Python 3.5+.

Note: This repository has not been used since Dec 2018 and is therefore currently archived. You are happy to fork it, but before using it, please verify that the libraries and packages included haven’t been subject to a security vulnerability in the meantime.


  • PxPayPy supports DPS PxPay 2.0 API.
  • PxPayPy supports DPS PxPost token based payments with CardNumber2.


Install this library with pip:

pip install pxpaypy

Setting Up

To initialize PxPay with URL, PxPay User ID and PxPay Key:

from pxpaypy.pxpay import PxPay
pxpay = PxPay("https://<pxpay url>", "<user id>", "<pxpay key>")

First Transaction

Example purchase transaction (TXN_PURCHASE) of $1.00 of currency type NZD:

response = pxpay.make_transaction_request(
    merchant_reference="<merchant reference>",
    transaction_id="<unique transaction id>",
    url_success="<success url>",
    url_fail="<fail url>")
url = response["url"]

make_transaction_request method returns an URL which allows user to enter credit card details and original XML content returned by DPS, depending on success or failure of the transaction, user will be directed to either url_success or url_fail.

To determine the status of the transaction, retrieve the result parameter from the redirected URLs’ query string and pass it to get_transaction_status method:

response = pxpay.get_transaction_status(result)
result = response["result"]

response is a Python dictionary with XML tags returned by PxPay API (result) and original content returned by DPS (xml).

Stored Credit Card Transactions

To store credit card for future billing purposes, we should make a transaction request of type TXN_AUTH and amount of $1.00 or more:

response = pxpay.make_transaction_request(
    merchant_reference="<merchant reference>",
    billing_id="<billing id>",
    transaction_id="<unique transaction id>",
    url_success="<success url>",
    url_fail="<fail url>")
result = response["result"]

add_bill_card must be set to True. billing_id is optional, if billing_id is not specified we have to use dps_billing_id generated by PxPay. The URL returned by the make_transaction_request will allow user to enter their credit card information.

Retrieve the result parameter from the redirected URLs’ query string to determine the success or failure of the transaction:

response = pxpay.get_transaction_status(result)
status = response["result"]
if int(status["Success"]) == 1:
    dps_blling_id = status["DpsBillingId"]
    # DpsBillingId requires, if billing_id not set
    card_number2 = status["CardNumber2"]
    # CardNumber2 optinal for token based automated billing via PxPost

To re-bill a stored credit card with user interaction. User will have to enter correct CVC on PaymentExpress hosted page. We can either user BillingID or DpsBillingID:

response = pxpay.make_transaction_request(
    merchant_reference="<merchant reference>",
    dps_billing_id = dps_blling_id, # or we could use billing_id
    transaction_id="<unique transaction id>",
    url_success="<success url>",
    url_fail="<fail url>")
url = response["url"]

URL will present user with transaction details and allow them to enter CVC, on the success or failure user will be directed to correct URL. Grab result from query string of the redirected URL to get transaction status:

response = pxpay.get_transaction_status(result)
status = response["result"]

If status["Success"] is 1 then transaction was a success.

Token based rebilling with PxPost

Automated token based transactions can be done using PaymentExpress PxPost API. This requires CardNumber2 generated by PxPay add billing card transaction and BillingID used in that transaction.

Initiate PxPost with URL, PxPost User Name and PxPost Password:

from pxpaypy.pxpost import PxPost
pxpost = PxPost("https://<pxpost url>", "<user name>", "<password>")

To initiate token based transaction use make_token_based_transaction method:

response = pxpost.make_token_based_transaction(
    merchant_reference="<merchant reference>",
    transaction_id="<unique transaction id>",
result = response["result"]

result is a Python dictionary with XML tags returned by PaymentExpress PxPost. response["xml"] has the original XML returned by DPS.

Make Transaction Request

make_transaction_request method returns an URL with credit card details form. This method can be used to make both Auth and Purchase transactions, as well as re-billing with user interaction (i.e. user has to enter CSC).

Argument Description
merchant_reference Merchant reference (required)

Transaction type (required)

Possible values:
TXN_AUTH Auth transaction TXN_PURCHASE Purchase transaction
amount Amount (required)
currency Currency type (required)
transaction_id Unique transaction ID (required)
url_success URL for successful transactions (required)
url_fail URL for failed transactions (required)

Set this to True to store the card for rebilling.

Default is False.

billing_id Billing ID (use this when rebill a stored card)
dps_billing_id DPS billing ID (use this when rebill a stored card)
data_1 Data 1
data_2 Data 2
data_3 Data 3
email_address email address
optional_text Optional text

If set to True, XML string will be retunred without sending it the server.

Default is False.

Get Transaction Status

get_transaction_status method can be used to get the status of a completed transaction. This method requires result parameter from query string of the redirected URL.

This method returns a Python dictionary with XML tags returned by PxPay API.

Argument Description
result result paramenter from the redirected URL’s query string. (required)

If set to True, XML string will be retunred without sending it the server.

Default is False.

PxPost: Make token based transaction

make_token_based_transaction method on PxPost class can be used to purform automated token based rebill transactions. This requires CardNumber2 and BillingId from the add card transaction performed using PxPay.

This method returns a Python dictionary with XML tags returned by PxPost API.

Argument Description
merchant_reference Merchant reference (required)

Transaction type (required)

Possible values:
TXN_AUTH Auth transaction TXN_COMPLETE Comlete transaction TXN_PURCHASE Purchase transaction TXN_REFUND Refund transaction
amount Amount (required)
currency Currency type (required)
transaction_id Unique transaction ID (required)
card_number_2 Card number 2 returned by PxPay (required)
billing_id Billing ID used in PxPay add credit card transaction (required)
data_1 Data 1
data_2 Data 2
data_3 Data 3

If set to True, XML string will be retunred without sending it the server.

Default is False.

Transaction Types

PxPay transaction types:

Label Description Python import
TXN_AUTH Authentication transaction from pxpaypy.pxpay import TXN_AUTH
TXN_PURCHASE Purchase transaction from pxpaypy.pxpay import TXN_PURCHASE

PxPost transaction types:

Label Description Python import
TXN_AUTH Auth transaction from pxpaypy.pxpost import TXN_AUTH
TXN_COMPLETE Complete transaction from pxpaypy.pxpost import TXN_COMPLETE
TXN_PURCHASE Purchase transaction from pxpaypy.pxpost import TXN_PURCHASE
TXN_REFUND Refund transaction from pxpaypy.pxpost import TXN_REFUND

Errors and Exceptions

In case of any error like invalid XML, API server cannot be reached etc, PxPayPy will throw an Exception.


Running tests

To run PxPayPy tests, you need an UAT PxPay and PxPost accounts from DPS.

Install required Python libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.dev.txt

Copy example configuration file and edit configuration file with UAT authentication details:

cp tests/config.ini.example tests/config.ini

Run tests:

python -m unittest discover tests -p "*.py"

Some tests needs manual intervention. If you want to skip those tests, set environment variable NO_MANUAL=1.

Building Documentation

PxPayPy uses Sphinx to generate documentation.

Install required Python libraries:

pip install -r requirements.docs.txt

Build documentation:

sphinx-build -nW  docs docs/_build

Resulting documentations will be available on docs/_build directory.


Copyright (C) 2018 Internet New Zealand Inc.

The project is licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3.